A wrapper for OSLog


A wrapper for OSLog.

Required Boiler Plate

Copy and paste the following.

Add exclusions if you want to disable print for certain logging domains, such as .network.

import Foundation
import Printer
import OSLog

struct Log {
    private static let identifier = try! BundleLocator.extractIdentifier()
    private static let manager = PrintManager(bundleIdentifier: identifier, exclude: [.network])

extension Log {

    /// Use .debug or .fault to log events here
    static let network: Logger = manager.network
    /// Use .info to log events here
    static let viewcycle: Logger = manager.viewcycle

final class BundleLocator {
    enum Error: Swift.Error {
        case notFound
    static var bundle: Bundle {
//        Bundle(for: self)
//    static func urlForResource(named name: String, extension fileExtension: String) throws -> URL {
//        guard let url = bundle.url(forResource: name, withExtension: fileExtension) else {
//            throw Error.notFound
//        }
//        return url
//    }
    static func extractIdentifier() throws -> String {
        guard let identifier = bundle.bundleIdentifier else {
            throw Error.notFound
        return identifier


Example SwiftUI view body.

    var body: some View {
          .onAppear {
              Log.viewcycle.info("\(MyView.self) did appear.")


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