An app tracks the user's precise location


This app tracks the user’s precise location. It also keeps track of the user’s movements and records an event every 10 meters or so.

How to run the project:

Download the zip folder and open on XCode.

Implementation decisions and trade-offs I made:

I implemented a table view with a list of significant move events and the time passed from that event. Every 10 meters or so, the app will display a message and a new event will appear on the table view. I added buttons to the map so the user can zoom in and out. The application is intended to work mostly in the foreground. I originally planned to use the method startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges() in viewDidLoad() both for background location tracking and also for more power-friendly activities. However, since I suspect it would not track movements as short as 10 meters, I mostly relied on didUpdateLocations instead.

Any architectural considerations and reasonings:

I considered that 10 meters is a very short distance for users who run or drive, therefore sending UIAlerts for every event could stack up a lot of alerts. I decided to display messages that disappear on their own after 5 seconds so to not overwhelm the user with alerts.

Areas of focus:

Location tracking precision, user’s experience, bug fixing, code precision.

Any copied code, references and 3rd party libraries:

I used UIKit, MapKit and CoreLocation. I referred to Apple’s documents, my own material which I originally got by reference to StackOverflow, and new StackOverflow research. Here are the ones I referred to today:

• significant-change location service:

• reverse geocode location:


How long you worked on the app for:

I worked on the code for a total of 4-5 hours and spent an additional 2-3 hours reviewing my code, testing (unit and device) and fixing my code to make it more readable.

Any additional information:

It wasn’t clear whether the app was supposed to work in the background, so I focused on foreground work.


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