An awesome Swift HTTP library to rapidly create communication layers with API endpoints


An awesome Swift HTTP library to rapidly create communication layers with API endpoints.


You can simply use SwiftHtml as a dependency via the Swift Package Manager:

.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),

Add the SwiftHttp product from the swift-http package as a dependency to your target:

.product(name: "SwiftHttp", package: "swift-http"),

Import the framework:

import SwiftHttp

That’s it.

Basic usage

It is really easy to setup a communication layer with an API endpoint.

import SwiftHttp

struct Todo: Codable {
    let id: Int
    let title: String
    let completed: Bool

struct TodoApi: HttpCodablePipelineCollection {

    let client: HttpClient = UrlSessionHttpClient(log: true)
    let apiBaseUrl = HttpUrl(host: "")

    func list() async throws -> [Todo] {
        try await decodableRequest(executor: client.dataTask,
                                   url: apiBaseUrl.path("todos"),
                                   method: .get)

// api usage
let todos = try await api.list()

// curl log
// curl ""

The HttpClient provides the executors to perform data, download or upload tasks.

You can create decodable, encodable, codable or raw request when using a codable pipeline collection.


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