An innovative NFT application focusing on AR visualization

Block Canvas

Block Canvas is an innovative NFT application focusing on AR visualization, integrated wallet browsing, and real-time crypto price updates tailored for art enthusiasts.



  • Immersive AR integration allows for virtual display of art-themed NFTs in the real world.
  • Animated portfolio view elegantly showcases the NFT collections contained within.
  • Dynamic NFT recommendations powered by ChatGPT, customizing user experiences based on wallet insights.
  • Real-time price curves dedicated to Ethereum and XTZ updates.

Technical Highlights

  • Integrated RESTful & GraphQL APIs to streamline data fetching, leveraging Grand Central Dispatch for enhanced concurrency.
  • Utilized OpenAI’s ChatGPT to offer dynamic, AI-driven NFT recommendations based on user wallet activity.
  • Employed SwiftUI techniques to craft immersive NFT animations and real-time Ethereum and XTZ price visualizations.
  • Capitalized on ARKit to enable users to project NFTs into real-world environments seamlessly.
  • Leveraged WidgetKit to introduce customizable NFT widgets for home screens, highlighting flexibility with Intents Extension.


  • Kingfisher
  • SnapKit
  • lottie-ios
  • JGProgressHUD
  • MJRefresh
  • Crashlytics
  • SwiftLint


  • Xcode 14.0 or later
  • iOS 16.0 or later


Renee Hsu



Distributed under the MIT License.


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