An Integer type that clamps its value to its minimum and maximum instead of over- or underflowing


An Integer type that clamps its value to its minimum and maximum instead of over- or underflowing.


    let big = ClampedInteger.max // 9223372036854775807
    big + 10 == .max // true
    big * 2 == .max // true
    big * -1 == .min + 1 // true, because -.max > .min
    big * -2 == .min // true
    let negative = ClampedInteger.min // -9223372036854775808
    negative - 10 == .min // true
    negative * 2 == .min // true
    negative * -1 == .max // true

ClampedInteger is generic over FixedWidthIntegers and can be used with any fixed with integer type:

    let big = ClampedInteger<UInt16>.max
    big + 10 == .max // true



Edit the Package.swift file. Add the GamCenterUI as a dependency:

let package = Package(
    name: " ... ",
    products: [ ... ],
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "0.0.0") // here
    targets: [
            name: " ... ",
            dependencies: [
                "ClampedInteger" // and here

For .xcodeproj projects

  1. Open menu File > Add Packages…
  2. Search for “” and click Add Package.
  3. Open your project file, select your target in “Targets”.
  4. Open Dependencies
  5. Click the + sign
  6. Add ClampedInteger


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