An iOS app for object detection server/client model
iOS Object Detection App
This is a client app which means you are going to need a server in order to run the application. A server with a powerful GPU and high network bandwidth is recommanded.
- BlueSocket (within the project file)
- Xcode 8
- iOS 10
- Server
Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network with Convolution. Enable life-long image recognition. Details omited.
- iOS -> Select/Take Image -> Compress Image -> Send to server -> Receive Image -> Display -> (Optional) Feedback to server
- Voice recognition
- A very naive sentimental anaysis for rating(feedback).
- Real-time object detection is not supported due to the limitation of the network bandwidth(sending image to server, though compressed, is still time consuming).
Server should listen imcomming TCP connections on both port 23333 and 23334(Optional), port 23333 is used to receive/send images. Server example:
def run(self):
self.log.write("iOS server starts, listenning for connections...")
while self.keep_running:
self.listen() # listen for connections on port 23333
self.recv_img() # receive image from port 23333
self.detect_img() # do object detection (faster-rnn, yolo, etc.)
self.sent_img() # send processed image back to client on port 23333
An example server file named ios_server_exmaple
is provided, which is implemented in python3 with YOLOv2(search darkflow in github) to do object detection.
This app has been tested on iPhone7 plus with latest iOS version(10.3). For any questions feel free to ask by sending email to or submit an issue!