An iOS application that simulates and visualizes the spread of infection in a group of people


An iOS application that simulates and visualizes the spread of infection in a group of people.

When launching the application, the user sees a screen for entering parameters: • the number of people in the simulated group — GroupSize; • the number of people who can be infected by one person during contact — InfectionFactor; • the period of recalculation of the number of infected people. After entering the parameters and clicking on the “run simulation” button, a new simulation screen opens. The simulation screen displays the entire simulated group of people. In the initial state, there are no infected people in the group — all objects are displayed as “healthy”. “Healthy” objects can be moved around the screen. If the user clicks on a “healthy” element, it becomes “sick” and is redrawn accordingly. During the operation of the simulation system, the user can click on an unlimited number of “healthy” elements, thereby “infecting” them. With the frequency indicated on the parameter input screen, the number of “sick” elements is recalculated.


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