An iOS swift Polygon UI View component


an iOS swift Polygon UI View component.

Development Target: iOS 9

Android version API:

present a custom defined polygon view:

The API could load data from code for json file(json parsing by ObjectMapper

and supports event callback



PolygonAPI can be added to your project using CocoaPods 0.36 or later by adding the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ObjectMapper'
pod 'PolygonAPI'

Swift Package Manager

To add PolygonAPI to a Swift Package Manager based project, add:

.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.1")),
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.1.0")),

to your Package.swift files dependencies array.

How to use:

import PolygonAPI

var polygonView: UIPolygonView!

// load region map from json 
if let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "region", ofType: "json")
        // load map resource from json file
        let json = try String(contentsOfFile: path)

        if !json.isEmpty,
            let map = PolygonMap(JSONString: json)

// you could also add map region by code:
let region = PolygonRegion()
region.regionColor = UIColor.brown
region.regionId = "north"
region.titleInfo.title = "北部"
region.addPoint(CGPoint(x: 167, y: 103))
region.addPoint(CGPoint(x: 194, y: 142))
region.addPoint(CGPoint(x: 251, y: 170))
region.addPoint(CGPoint(x: 306, y: 173))
region.addPoint(CGPoint(x: 322, y: 162))
region.addPoint(CGPoint(x: 314, y: 81))
region.addPoint(CGPoint(x: 338, y: 56))
region.addPoint(CGPoint(x: 330, y: 32))
region.addPoint(CGPoint(x: 291, y: 19))
region.addPoint(CGPoint(x: 269, y: 2))
region.addPoint(CGPoint(x: 254, y: 30))
region.addPoint(CGPoint(x: 192, y: 49))

// the API provides delegate to catch some events
extension ViewController: UIPolygonViewDelegate
    func onRegionClicked(region: PolygonRegion)
        // click region area event callback
    func onRegionMarkClicked(mark: RegionMark, region: PolygonRegion)
        // click mark event callback
