An iOS UIView for presenting a minimalistic notification that doesn't block the UI


This is an iOS UIView for presenting a beautiful notification that is highly configurable and works for both iPhone and iPad. JFMinimalNotification is only available in ARC and targets iOS 7.0+.

Language: Obj-C
License: MIT

An iOS UIView for presenting a minimalistic notification that doesn't block the UI and is highly configurable.


See a short video of this control here:

Screen Shots



pod 'JFMinimalNotifications', '~> 0.0.8'

Directly include source into your projects

Simply copy the source files from the "JFMinimalNotification" folder into your project.
In your application's project app target settings, find the "Build Phases" section and open the "Link Binary With Libraries" block and click the "+" button and select the "CoreGraphics.framework".
