An unofficial Floatplane client for Apple TV/tvOS

Wasserflug tvOS

An unofficial Floatplane client for Apple TV/tvOS.


See for screenshots of Wasserflug.

Beta Testing

If you would like to enter the beta testing via Test Flight for Wasserflug, please message Jamamp on the Hydravion discord server, or email with an email and something to fill out for the First and Last name fields in the app store.


Cloning the git repository and opening/running it in Xcode, with some slight changes for provisioning/signing should be all that is needed at this time. There are some dependencies; please allow time for Xcode to automatically fetch those before/during initial compilation.


See bmlzootown’s Hydravion projects and Discord server for more Floatplane-related software and discussion:


Application created by James Linnell.

Wasserflug logo copyright to Yaroslav Shkuro via Shutterstock.


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