App created in UIKit in order to control users' games library


App created in UIKit in order to control users’ games library. It’s developed in Swift 5 with Storyboard, and relies in a ASP.Net API backend.

Those are some features:


Shows stats like Playing Games (Jogando), physical and digital owned games, finished by year (Finalizados por Ano), bought by year (Comprados por ano) and games per platform (Jogos por Plataforma). Also shows the entire price payed for users’ library.


It keeps registers of games that user is currently playing, along with start and finish gameplay date. The main screen is a Collection View, that shows all the covers. The detail screen shows price, gameplay date and all the times that user played this specific game.


All the platforms owned by user

Lists (WIP)

Helps the user to create some lists. Example: Best The Legend of Zelda games, Buy Next, Play Next, and everything the user wants to create


It uses some pods

Architecture and design patterns

MVVM (previously used MVP), Coordinator, DI (using Swinject)

Known bugs

  • Status bar glitches
  • Not prepared for light mode
  • Pagination in games’ view crashes the app when the user tries to select another game

Next steps

  • Finish lists feature
  • Correct the bugs
  • Unit Tests
  • Migrate to CleanArchitecture
  • Get rid of Storyboard, migrating it to Viewcode
  • Use iCloud


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