App that Displays the NASA Photo of Day


We’ll progressively build a small SwiftUI app that displays the NASA photo of the day. Each installment (commit, post, video) will be broken down into the smallest piece of work that I can imagine at the time. This repo will be the most concise part of the series as the videos will be strictly one take each.


  1. Project Overview video
  2. Try Await URLSession video
  3. Pod Model with Paw and Ducky video
  4. Pod Default video
  5. MVP SwiftUI List View video
  6. AsyncImage video
  7. Task GET Pod video
  8. Push to GitHub video
  9. Placeholder Icon with Bakery video
  10. Optionals video
  11. Exploring the API with Paw video
  12. Json Payloads with Curl and Python video
  13. From JSON to Data to Pod with Tests video
  14. Adding a Read Me Markdown File video
  15. Decoding and Testing Optional Arrays and Properties video
  16. Display Pods with SwiftUI’s NavigationView, List, and NavigationLink video Bug Fixes video
  17. Adding and Ignoring App Secrets video
  18. Decoding & Formatting Dates video
  19. AsyncImagePhase, Resizing, and Scaling video
  20. Displaying Optional Video Thumbnails video
  21. SwiftUI ‘Split View’ video
  22. Multiple Previews video
  23. Obfuscated Logging video
  24. Infinite List video
  25. Multitasking Support video
  26. AccentColor video

YouTube Playlist


Astronomy Picture of the Day



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