Apple Swift based HTTP server


Please note: This project is still in Alpha Version and we’re actively working on forking over a lot of nifty features from SwiftEngine to make it compatible with SwiftNIO. We appreciate any contributors or testers joining our project!

Apple Swift based HTTP server. The answer for a Swift based, turn key, crash resilient, high scale, and production grade web server.

Getting Started :boom:

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Prerequisites :exclamation:

What are the dependencies we need to get this to work?

OS Version
macOS 10.13+
Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 16.10

Getting started with the project :thumbsup:

  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. cd to SwiftEngine directory and run sudo ./
  3. Run ./
    This should start the server running and listening on port 8887

Using :star:

Programming your site:

  1. Create a new mypage.swift file within the /var/swiftengine/www/ directory (see example below)
  2. From the browser, enter the following url http://<machine_ip>:8887/mypage (by default this is localhost:8887)

That's it! No compilation or dealing with shell dumps required! Your requested endpoints will be automagically compiled during the first request, and results will be shown.

Any swift file you place in /var/swiftengine/www will be accessible through the browser without the .swift extension.
Read more about SwiftEngine's autonomous system and routing logic (here)

Example of a SwiftEngine based .swift file :trophy:

// Import SwiftEngine essentials
import SwiftEngine

// specify other required files for this file
//se: require /common.swift

// Entry Point function; where all code begins
func entryPoint(ctx: RequestContext) {

	// add GET handlers to the request context
	ctx.addHandler(forMethod:"GET", withRoute:"*"){
		req, res in
		res.write("Hello from SwiftEngine! ")

	// add POST handlers to the request context
	ctx.addHandler(forMethod:"POST", withRoute:"*"){
		req, res in
		res.write("Handle for POST request method")

	// add catch-all handlers to the request context
	ctx.addHandler(forMethod:"*", withRoute:"*"){
		req, res in
		res.write("Handle for catch-all")

