Apple watch app to interface with Transmission Client


Apple watch app to interface with Transmission Client

Currrently i am hardcoding sessionID (terrible idea) will make this dynamic later!
Also IP is hardcoded : Constants.swift

# Folder Structure 
├── Assets.xcassets
│   ├── Complication.complicationset
│   └── Contents.json
├── ComplicationController.swift
├── ContentView.swift
├── Info.plist
├── Models
│   ├── Constants.swift
│   └── TorrentsModel.swift
├── Preview\ Content
│   └── Preview\ Assets.xcassets
├── ViewModels
│   └── TorrentsViewModel.swift
├── Views
└── iTransmissionApp.swift

I’ll try to keep this as vanilla as possible with no external libraries.
URLSession and Codables FTW!


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