Assistant for Glassmorphism UI in iOS


⚠️ still in progress ⚠️


  • iOS 11.0+


Use Swift Package Manager by adding following line to Package.swift:

dependencies: [
 .package(url: "", from: "0.0.1")


Import the framework

Import CHGlassmorphismView module to your controller

import CHGlassmorphismView

Create glassmorphismView

You can create glassmorphism view programmatically like code below, or make existing UIView as glassmorphism view by changing the Custom Class to CHGlassmorphismView

let glassmorphismView = CHGlassmorphismView()

Change customizing options

// MARK: - [Theme]
glassmorphismView.setTheme(theme: .light) // choose theme .light or .dark
Light theme dark theme

// MARK: - [Blur Density]
glassmorphismView.changeBlurDensity(with: 0.5) // value from 0 to 1 is available

// MARK: - [Corner Radius]
glassmorphismView.setCornerRadius(30) // change cornerRadius as you want (default value is 20)


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