Autogenerated Twitter v2 API codes for iOS

Swift5 API client for OpenAPIClient

Twitter API v2 available endpoints


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 2.30
  • Package version:
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.Swift5ClientCodegen
    For more information, please visit



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Run pod install

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ComplianceAPI createBatchComplianceJob POST /2/compliance/jobs Create compliance job
ComplianceAPI getBatchComplianceJob GET /2/compliance/jobs/{id} Get compliance job
ComplianceAPI listBatchComplianceJobs GET /2/compliance/jobs List compliance jobs
GeneralAPI getOpenApiSpec GET /2/openapi.json Returns the open api spec document.
ListsAPI getUserListMemberships GET /2/users/{id}/list_memberships Get a User’s List Memberships
ListsAPI listAddMember POST /2/lists/{id}/members Add a List member
ListsAPI listIdCreate POST /2/lists Create List
ListsAPI listIdDelete DELETE /2/lists/{id} Delete List
ListsAPI listIdGet GET /2/lists/{id} List lookup by List ID
ListsAPI listIdUpdate PUT /2/lists/{id} Update List
ListsAPI listRemoveMember DELETE /2/lists/{id}/members/{user_id} Remove a List member
ListsAPI listUserFollow POST /2/users/{id}/followed_lists Follow a List
ListsAPI listUserOwnedLists GET /2/users/{id}/owned_lists Get a User’s Owned Lists
ListsAPI listUserPin POST /2/users/{id}/pinned_lists Pin a List
ListsAPI listUserPinnedLists GET /2/users/{id}/pinned_lists Get a User’s Pinned Lists
ListsAPI listUserUnfollow DELETE /2/users/{id}/followed_lists/{list_id} Unfollow a List
ListsAPI listUserUnpin DELETE /2/users/{id}/pinned_lists/{list_id} Unpin a List
ListsAPI userFollowedLists GET /2/users/{id}/followed_lists Get User’s Followed Lists
SpacesAPI findSpaceById GET /2/spaces/{id} Space lookup by Space ID
SpacesAPI findSpacesByCreatorIds GET /2/spaces/by/creator_ids Space lookup by their creators
SpacesAPI findSpacesByIds GET /2/spaces Space lookup up Space IDs
SpacesAPI searchSpaces GET /2/spaces/search Search for Spaces
SpacesAPI spaceBuyers GET /2/spaces/{id}/buyers Retrieve the list of users who purchased a ticket to the given space
TweetsAPI addOrDeleteRules POST /2/tweets/search/stream/rules Add/Delete rules
TweetsAPI createTweet POST /2/tweets Creation of a Tweet
TweetsAPI deleteTweetById DELETE /2/tweets/{id} Tweet delete by Tweet ID
TweetsAPI findTweetById GET /2/tweets/{id} Tweet lookup by Tweet ID
TweetsAPI findTweetsById GET /2/tweets Tweet lookup by Tweet IDs
TweetsAPI getRules GET /2/tweets/search/stream/rules Rules lookup
TweetsAPI hideReplyById PUT /2/tweets/{id}/hidden Hide replies
TweetsAPI listsIdTweets GET /2/lists/{id}/tweets List Tweets timeline by List ID
TweetsAPI sampleStream GET /2/tweets/sample/stream Sample stream
TweetsAPI searchStream GET /2/tweets/search/stream Filtered stream
TweetsAPI spaceBuyers GET /2/spaces/{id}/buyers Retrieve the list of users who purchased a ticket to the given space
TweetsAPI tweetCountsFullArchiveSearch GET /2/tweets/counts/all Full archive search counts
TweetsAPI tweetCountsRecentSearch GET /2/tweets/counts/recent Recent search counts
TweetsAPI tweetsFullarchiveSearch GET /2/tweets/search/all Full-archive search
TweetsAPI tweetsRecentSearch GET /2/tweets/search/recent Recent search
TweetsAPI usersIdLike POST /2/users/{id}/likes Causes the user (in the path) to like the specified tweet
TweetsAPI usersIdLikedTweets GET /2/users/{id}/liked_tweets Returns Tweet objects liked by the provided User ID
TweetsAPI usersIdMentions GET /2/users/{id}/mentions User mention timeline by User ID
TweetsAPI usersIdRetweets POST /2/users/{id}/retweets Causes the user (in the path) to retweet the specified tweet
TweetsAPI usersIdTweets GET /2/users/{id}/tweets User Tweets timeline by User ID
TweetsAPI usersIdUnlike DELETE /2/users/{id}/likes/{tweet_id} Causes the user (in the path) to unlike the specified tweet
TweetsAPI usersIdUnretweets DELETE /2/users/{id}/retweets/{source_tweet_id} Causes the user (in the path) to unretweet the specified tweet
UsersAPI findUserById GET /2/users/{id} User lookup by ID
UsersAPI findUserByUsername GET /2/users/by/username/{username} User lookup by username
UsersAPI findUsersById GET /2/users User lookup by IDs
UsersAPI findUsersByUsername GET /2/users/by User lookup by usernames
UsersAPI listGetFollowers GET /2/lists/{id}/followers Returns user objects that follow a List by the provided List ID
UsersAPI listGetMembers GET /2/lists/{id}/members Returns user objects that are members of a List by the provided List ID
UsersAPI tweetsIdLikingUsers GET /2/tweets/{id}/liking_users Returns user objects that have liked the provided Tweet ID
UsersAPI tweetsIdRetweetingUsers GET /2/tweets/{id}/retweeted_by Returns user objects that have retweeted the provided Tweet ID
UsersAPI usersIdBlock POST /2/users/{id}/blocking Block User by User ID
UsersAPI usersIdBlocking GET /2/users/{id}/blocking Returns user objects that are blocked by provided user ID
UsersAPI usersIdFollow POST /2/users/{id}/following Follow User
UsersAPI usersIdFollowers GET /2/users/{id}/followers Returns user objects that follow the provided user ID
UsersAPI usersIdFollowing GET /2/users/{id}/following Following by User ID
UsersAPI usersIdMute POST /2/users/{id}/muting Mute User by User ID
UsersAPI usersIdMuting GET /2/users/{id}/muting Returns user objects that are muted by the provided user ID
UsersAPI usersIdUnblock DELETE /2/users/{source_user_id}/blocking/{target_user_id} Unblock User by User ID
UsersAPI usersIdUnfollow DELETE /2/users/{source_user_id}/following/{target_user_id} Unfollow User
UsersAPI usersIdUnmute DELETE /2/users/{source_user_id}/muting/{target_user_id} Unmute User by User ID

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication



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