Basic app using Marvel API made with VIP pattern

Marvel App

Basic app using Marvel API made with VIP pattern

Getting started


Install Pods

  1. Clone the app repository.
  2. Open Terminal, navigate to the MarvelApp folder where the Podfile is located, and run the pod install command.

Modify the project configurations

If you want to use your own keypair, add yours in Constants.Marvel struct. The file s in marvelapp/Source/Common/Constants

Run the sample code

Just press play

App organization

There are 3 main folders


It contains the AppDelegate and SceneDelegate files


It contains the Assets folder, the main Info file and the storyboards


It contains the app code divided in 4 folders


It contains the file CharacterRepository that defines the protocol to make the network calls and an implementation of a class that implements that protocol


It contains widgets (like custom views and cells), app entities, class extensions, an MD5 wrapper and an auth manager for the Marvel API


Contains a connectivity manager exposed through a main provider


Contains the CharacterList and CharDetail scenes following the VIP pattern


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