Burger Menu For iOS

Burger Menu

Todo List

For each item of this Todo list I create one issue. Like this is more easier to track everythying


  • Analyse the API and create a “codable” structure
  • Create a core data structure to save the wishList localy
  • Create caching concept to download and display the images


  • Fetch and display the data in a simple tableView
  • Add gesture recognizer (longPress) to add the object in the wish list
  • Create a UIAlertView to inform the user
  • Add tabview with 2 sections. One for the list object
  • Add delete fonction if user want to delete one item in the wishlist
  • Add Refresh data function when you scrolldown on list


  • Add a view to display the total price of this wishlist
  • Add animation when you add a new product in you wishlist
  • Custom the UITableviewCell to be more user friendly


This prototype is made with Adobe XD

List From API


View Github