Calculator Recognition App with Swift

This app allows the user to capture arithmetic expressions from built in camera, camera roll and filesystem/Files App. The app detect the expression in the picture and gets the first expression and compute it’s result.
Design Pattern Used
Programming Approach
- Polymorphic interface using protocol.
- Abstraction
- Used of Combine
Features Implemented
- The app has 4 flavour that can be executed during run time by the use of xcconfig
- The app can detect expression on image and gets the first expression.
- The app can solve first detected expression and calculate it’s result.
- The app run in multiple themes(Please see header color) based on its configuration during runtime.
- The app allows to pick image per app flavour based on this
- app-red-camera-roll
- app-red-built-in-camera
- app-green-filesystem
- app-green-camera-roll
- The app can be switch during runtime by changing the build configuration. See below: