Collection of iOS drop-in components to visualize progress


Language: Obj-C
License: MIT

MRProgress is a collection of drop-in components that display a dimmed overlay with a blurred box view with an indicator and/or labels while work is being done in a background thread.

Component oriented: You don't have to use all components or MRProgressOverlayView. You can use just the custom activity indicators or progress views.
Configurable: All components implement tintColor.
Customizable: You can replace the given blur implementation and hook into your own you are maybe already using in other places of your app. Or simply throw in an UIToolbar's layer, if you prefer Apple's implementation. (Current blur implementation is as given by sample code of WWDC 2013.)
Reusable: The code is fragmented in small reusable pieces.
Well documented: You can install and open Appledoc documentation.
Integrated: It offers an integration into AFNetworking.
Accessible: It provides labels, traits and events for UIAccessibility.

The components used in MRProgressOverlayView could be used seperately. The provided Example app demonstrates how they can be used.

