Collection of userful and intersting Xcode 14 Package Plugins
Collection of userful and intersting Xcode 14 Package Plugins
Count Source Lines
Count the line of source code from the whole Swift Package. Supports Swift/Objective-C/C/C++ as well.
➜ swift package plugin count-source-lines
--- Target: XcodePackagePlugins ---
Language: Swift, lines: 6
--- Target: XcodePackagePluginsTests ---
Language: Swift, lines: 11
Example on SDWebImageSwiftUI
➜ swift package plugin count-source-lines
--- Target: SDWebImageSwiftUI ---
Language: Swift, lines: 2286
--- Target: SDWebImage ---
Language: C/C++ Header, lines: 7551
Language: Objective-C, lines: 13344
Regenerate Contributors List
Regenerate the list of all contributors into current package, write into the CONTRIBUTORS.txt file.
➜ swift package plugin --allow-writing-to-package-directory regenerate-contributors-list
Writing 1 contributors to /Users/lizhuoli/Documents/GitHub/XcodePackagePlugins/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
# This file contains a list of people who have made code contributions.
- DreamPiggy <>
# Do not edit this file by hand. Its contents are created by a package
# Plugin that uses Git history to contruct the list.