Collection View Data source wizard at your service


DataSourcerer provides a type-safe DSL style data source for UICollectionView powered by UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource

This project is heavily inspired by

Basic Usage

To fill in collection view with data:

  1. Connect the data source to the collection view.
  2. Apply a State with a list of Section or a single Section by using ForEach.

let dataSource = CollectionViewDataSource(collectionView: collectionView)
dataSource.state = State {
    ForEach(items) { item in 
        BaseListCell<Item> { cell, _, _ in 
            // config cell
        .onSelected {
            // Cell is selected
        .onDeselected {
            // Cell is deselected


Section represents a section in the collection view’s data source, consisted of a list of data models and its corresponding cell. It also has its own section header and section footer.
Additionally you are going to have to specify support for section header and section footer in your collection view’s layout.

Example using UICollectionLayoutListConfiguration

var listConfig = UICollectionLayoutListConfiguration(appearance: .grouped)
listConfig.headerMode = .supplementary
listConfig.footerMode = .supplementary

dataSource.state = State {
    Section(sectionIdentifier: .main) {
        ForEach(items) { item in 
            BaseListCell<Item> { cell, _, _ in
                // configure cell
    .registerHeader(HeaderView.self) { headerView in 
        // configure header
    .registerFooter(FooterView.self) { footerView in 
        // configure footer


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