Customizable horizontal picker view component written in Swift for UIKit/iOS

Horizontal Picker View

Customizable horizontal picker view component written in Swift for UIKit/iOS.

  • Flexible dataSource and delegates
  • Minimal and functional
  • Performant and testable
  • Extensible and configurable


// Creation
let picker = HorizontalPickerView()
picker.datasource = self
picker.delegate = self

// Provide data

/// Number of rows to render
/// - Returns: Row count
func numberOfRows() -> Int

/// Number of items to render in each row
/// - Returns: Item count
func numberOfItems(in picker: HorizontalPickerView, for row: Int) -> Int

/// Attributed title to render in a given item at `IndexPath`
/// - Returns: Attributed String
func horizontalPickerView(
    _ picker: HorizontalPickerView,
    attributedTitleAt indexPath: IndexPath
) -> NSAttributedString?


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