Delightful code generator for OpenAPI specs
Create API
Delightful code generation for OpenAPI specs for Swift written in Swift.
- Fast: processes specs with 100K lines of YAML in less than a second
- Smart: generates Swift code that looks like it’s carefully written by hand
- Reliable: tested on 1KK lines of publicly available OpenAPI specs producing correct code every time
- Customizable: offers a ton of customization options
Powered by OpenAPIKit
<input> The OpenAPI spec input file in either JSON or YAML format
--output <output> The output folder (default: ./.create-api/)
--config <config> The path to configuration. If not present, the command will look
for .createAPI file in the current folder. (default: /.create-api.yaml)
-s, --split Split output into separate files
-v, --verbose Print additional logging information
--strict Turns all warnings into errors
--clean Removes the output folder before continuing
--allowErrors Ignore any errors that happen during code generation
--watch Monitor changes to both the spec and the configuration file and
automatically re-generated input
--package <package> Generates a complete package with a given name
--module <module> Use the following name as a module name
--vendor <vendor> Enabled vendor-specific logic (supported values: "github")
--generate <generate> Specifies what to generate (default: paths, entities)
--filename-template <filename-template>
Example: "%0.generated.swift" will produce files with the following names:
"Paths.generated.swift". (default: %0.swift)
--entityname-template <entityName-template>
Example: "%0Generated" will produce entities with the following names:
"EntityGenerated". (default: %0)
--single-threaded By default, saturates all available threads. Pass this option
to turn all parallelization off.
--measure Measure performance of individual operations
-h, --help Show help information.
CreateAPI supports a massive number of customization options with more to come. You can use either YAML or JSON as configuration files.
An example configuration file featuring all available options set to the default parameters.
# Modifier for all generated declarations
access: public
# Add @available(*, deprecated) attributed
isAddingDeprecations: true
# Generate enums for strings
isGeneratingEnums: true
# Example: "enabled" -> "isEnabled"
isGeneratingSwiftyBooleanPropertyNames: true
# Any schema that can be conveted to a type identifier.
# Example: "typealias Pets = [Pet], is inlined as "[Pet]".
isInliningTypealiases: true
# Example: "var sourcelUrl" becomes "var sourceURL"
isReplacingCommonAcronyms: true
# Acronyms to add to the default list
addedAcronyms: []
# Acronyms to remove from the default list
ignoredAcronyms: []
# Example: "var file: [File]" becomes "var files: [File]"
isPluralizationEnabled: true
# Available values: ["spaces", "tabs"]
indentation: spaces
# By default, 4
spaceWidth: 4
# Parses dates (e.g. "2021-09-29") using `NaiveDate` (
isNaiveDateEnabled: true
# If enabled, uses `Int64` or `Int32` when specified.
isUsingIntegersWithPredefinedCapacity: false
# Disableds SwiftLint
isSwiftLintDisabled: true
# Overrides file header comment
fileHeaderComment: "// Generated by Create API\n//"
# Excluded entities, e.g. ["SimpleUser"]
# `exclude` and `include` can't be used together
exclude: []
# Included entities, e.g. ["SimpleUser"]
include: []
# Generates entities as structs
isGeneratingStructs: true
# Generate the following entities as classes
entitiesGeneratedAsClasses: []
# Generate the following entities as structs
entitiesGeneratedAsStructs: []
# Makes classes final
isMakingClassesFinal: true
# Base class for entities generated as classes
baseClass: null
# Protocols adopted by entities
protocols: ["Codable"]
# Generate initializers for all entities
isGeneratingInitializers: true
# If disabled, will use let properties in struct entities
isGeneratingMutableStructProperties: false
# If disabled, will use let properties in class entities
isGeneratingMutableClassProperties: false
# If disabled, will use strings as coding keys
isGeneratingCustomCodingKeys: true
# By default, the order matches the order in the spec
isSortingPropertiesAlphabetically: false
# Add defaults values for booleans and other types when specified
isAddingDefaultValues: true
# For `allOf` inline properties from references
isInliningPropertiesFromReferencedSchemas: false
# Changes how unspecified additional properties are interpreted
isAdditionalPropertiesOnByDefault: true
# Strips the parent name of enum cases within objects that are `oneOf` / `allOf` / `anyOf` of nested references
isStrippingParentNameInNestedObjects: false
# The types to import in the entities, by default empty
imports: ["CoreLocation"]
# Excluded paths, e.g. ["/gists/{gist_id}/commits"]
# `exclude` and `include` can't be used together
exclude: []
# Included paths, e.g. ["/gists/{gist_id}/commits"]
include: []
# Available options:
# - "rest" - generate structs to represent path components
# - "operations" - generate a plain list of operatinos
style: rest
# Namespace for all generated paths
namespace: "Paths"
# Generate response headers using
isGeneratingResponseHeaders: true
# Add operation id to each request
isAddingOperationIds: false
# The types to import, by default uses "Get" (
imports: ["Get"]
# Example, "- empty: Void"
overrideResponses: {}
# Inline simple requests, like the ones with a single parameter
isInliningSimpleRequests: true
# Inline simple parametesr with few arguments.
isInliningSimpleQueryParameters: true
# Threshold from which to start inlining query parameters
simpleQueryParametersThreshold: 2
# Tries to remove redundant paths
isRemovingRedundantPaths: true
# Rename properties, example:
# - name: firstName
# - firstName
properties: {}
# Rename query parameters
parameters: {}
# Rename enum cases
enumCases: {}
# Rename entities
entities: {}
# Rename operation when " operations" is used
operations: {}
# Rename anynomous collection elements. By default, use
# a singularized form of the property name
collectionElements: {}
# Generate comments
isEnabled: true
# Generate titles
isAddingTitles: true
# Generate description
isAddingDescription: true
# Generate examples
isAddingExamples: true
# Add links to the external documenatation
isAddingExternalDocumentation: true
# Auto-capitalizes comments
isCapitalizationEnabled: true
OpenAPI Support
The goal is to completely cover OpenAPI 3.x spec.
Currently, the following features are not supported:
- External References
Some discrepancies with the OpenAPI spec are by design:
keyword in parameters is ignored and all parameter values are percent-encodedallowEmptyValue
keyword in parameters is ignored as it’s not recommended to be used
- An improved way to generate patch parameters. Support for JSON Patch.
- OpenAPI 3.1 support.
mint install kean/CreateAPI
mint run CreateAPI create-api generate -h
git clone
cd CreateAPI
make install
create-api generate -h