Detection Package for face and texts


Detecting Texts and Persons from Images

Detections package will help you to get the texts from image and also recognize a person Image whihc should be only one person in the photo

Text Detection

to use text recognition you need to create a view controller and change the class to DetectionViewController , also you can pass the delegate to use the function when the texts recognized from the image

class DetectionVC: DetectionViewController , detectionProtocol {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
            self.detectionDelegate = self


you can increase the detection level or language correction by using the coide below (these parameters will get boolean but as in the package there is a boolean extension you can use .yes or .no)

    self.fastRecognition = .yes
    self.autoCorrection = .yes

by adding the detectionDelegate you will have two functions which one of them is optional

    // required function 
    func scanResults(_ result: ScanResults) {

    // optional function 
    func scanFailed() {

this function will getting called when the image processed and the result contains detectedTexts, scannedImage and error which all of these are optional and can be nil based on the results

Face Detection

The face Detection will detect that there is only one person in the photo so if there is more than one person or nobody in the photo or for any reasons there was an unknown erroe it will show error

to use this oart for face recognition you need to create a view controller and change the class to FaceDetectionViewController , also you can pass the delegate to use the function when the texts recognized from the image

class FaceDetectionVC: FaceDetectionViewController , faceDetectionProtocol {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
            self.faceDetectionDelegate = self


by adding the faceDetectionDelegate you will have two functions which one of them is optional

    // required function 
    func faceDetected(_ error : faceErrors?,_ image : UIImage?) {

    // optional function 
    func scanFailed() {

this function will getting called when the image processed and the result contains faceErrors and image which both of these are optional and can be nil based on the results

if there was no error the error will be nil otherwise the error can be noFace,moreThanOneFace or noCGImage also if you want to show message to the alert for any of these you can use a function which name is errorMessage() which can be use for the error message or you can do it by your self and using your own error message

func faceDetected(_ error : faceErrors?,_ image : UIImage?) {
    guard let error = error else {return}
    print(message: error.errorMessage())


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