Easy to use and configurable patternlock view for ios


Easy to use and configurable patternlock view for ios.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


SSPatternLock is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SSPatternLock'

You can also clone the repo and copy from swift files, which in Source directory to your project


Code usage; create an instance of SSPatternLockView. With SSPatternLockView config builder, you can make customizations

let patternLockView = SSPatternLockView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.view.frame.width, height: self.view.frame.height))
        patternLockView.delegate = self
        patternLockView.config = SSPatternLockView.Config.Builder()

In interface builder, add a uiview and change class to SSLockPattern. In the attributes inspector, you can change configurations

Attribute Type Default value
BackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.clear
NodeFillColor UIColor UIColor.black
NodeStrokeColor UIColor UIColor.black
NodeHighLightFillColor UIColor UIColor.clear
LineColor UIColor UIColor.black
LineWidth CGFloat 5.0
ColumnCount Int 4
RowCount Int 4
SpaceBetweenNodes CGFloat 20.0

For selected pattern indexes using SSPatternLockDelegate

extension ViewController : SSPatternLockDelegate {
    func patternLockSelected(_ patternLockView: SSPatternLockView, _ selectedIndexes: [Int]) {
        selectedIndexes.forEach({ print("index: \($0)") })


Savaş Salihoğlu , mustafasavassalihoglu@gmail.com
