Enzyme: a spm package for the make easier development on iOS


Enzyme is a spm package for the make easier development on iOS.


  • For the installation you just need to add the url of the project to your Swift Pakcage manager.


  • Inside the Enzyme package there is a Date extension which help you to check the date for the today and yesterday.

let stringDate = "2021-12-24"
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
let date = dateFormatter.date(from: stringDate)
print("Is today: \(date?.isToday() ?? false)")
print("Is yesterday: \(date?.isYesterday() ?? false)")

Social Media Buttons

  • Enzyme package alson consist the social media buttons for the Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. The button width and height size are 40×40.
  • For the use the Social Media button you can use Storyboard, XIB and ViewController.
  • For the storyboard and xib, you need to set the button class SocialMediaButton and in the Attributes Inspector panel, you just need to declare the social media button type.

For now Social Media Button types are; twitter, instagram and facebook

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