Face detection and recognition iOS app with OpenCV


Facemotion it’s an iOS app, allowing you to find easily a contact by face recognition. Scan the face of a person, whether the contact is in the local storage, it can be detected by the recognition algorithm. Or add the detected frames to a new contact among your own iOS contacts. And then can be recognise later by the application.

          |  Features

| Face detection
| Face recognition
| Angle detection, to help you to take the best frames, and increase the chance of recognition
| improving recognition by adding more frames to a contact



  • Realm database to store detected face and contact lists
  • OpenCV for faces recognition algorithm / image processing
  • AVFoundation for face detection / some image processing

Installation and usage

First thing to do is to install the pods. I choosed a pod for opencv, instead a built framework for easy integration. It can take a long time compiling. (1 hour macbook 13 inch


pod install

Run the project on a real device.

If you like it, please give me a

made in 同济 with

