Flexible NSTableView wrapper for SwiftUI


SwiftUI implementation of NSTableView with features that SwiftUI’s Table lacks:

  • Allows column reordering via drag-and-drop
  • Allows columns to be hidden using a simple view modifier

Simple example:

var body: some View {
    @State var contents: [TableItem] = [ ... ]
    @State var selection: Set<TableItem.ID> = []
    @State var isKindColumnShown: Bool = true
        contents: $contents,
        selection: $selection,
        columns: [
            OTTableColumn(title: "Name") {
	        } set: { row, newValue in
                contents[row].name = newValue

            OTTableColumn(title: "Kind (read-only)") { 
            .width(min: 50, ideal: 100, max: 150),

            OTTableColumn(title: "Comments") { 
            } set: { row, newValue in
                contents[row].comments = newValue
            .width(min: 150, ideal: 200, max: 1000)

Getting Started

  1. Add the package to your application as a dependency using Swift Package Manager
  2. import OTTableView
  3. Profit


  • Allow for single-selection or no-selection modes (in addition to the current multi-select mode)
  • Allow programmatic read/write of OTTable column order (via SwiftUI Binding)
  • Allow cell editable toggle by way of new .editable(Bool) modifier on OTTableColumn. (For now, any OTTableColumn with a setter closure is editable and any without the closure (nil) are read-only.)
  • Allow table sorting (may require some custom abstractions)
  • Add ergonomics, ie: contextual row selection after appending, inserting, or deleting rows
  • Performance optimizations


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