Flutter Library for the iOS WidgetKit framework and Widget Communication
Flutter library for iOS Widgets Extensions. Integrate a Widget into your App.
This library allows you to call essential methods from the iOS "WidgetKit Framework", which are needed when developing a widget. For example updating the widget timelines. It is also possible to communicate with the widget via App Groups/UserDefaults.
Installation ?
Add flutter_widgetkit as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Usage ???
import 'package:flutter_widgetkit/flutter_widgetkit.dart';
// Reloading Widget Timelines
// Communicate with Widget
WidgetKit.setItem('testString', 'Hello World', 'group.com.fasky');
Methods ?
Reloads the timelines for all configured widgets belonging to the containing app.
WidgetKit.reloadTimelines(ofKind: String)
Reloads the timelines for all widgets of a particular kind.
WidgetKit.setItem(String key, dynamic value, String appGroup)
Writes Key-Value to UserDefaults database.
WidgetKit.getItem(String key, String appGroup)
Reads Value from UserDefaults database.