Food Oder App Built with Swift


What it does

Food Order App will display today’s menu. User can add an item to cart and check out.

How I built it

  • I started by getting user’s location, then draw a view for displaying menu, with search features.
  • I also construct a slide out menu, this is helpful when I decide to add more features such as viewing account, order history, help center, etc.
  • Later, I added Firebase to retrieve menu and take orders.

Challenges I ran into

  • Searching requires me to store another set of items, and when I did not update the searched items correctly, program will crash
  • Calculating the total required a bit of work, I sometimes mistaken between items and filtered items (from search)
  • Could not build the app after installing pod

Accomplishments that I am proud of

Calculating the total

What I learned

After install pod, I need to open the newly generated .xcworkspace for the app to compile

What’s next

  • Calculate the total on server side
  • Implement Stripe API to take payments

Built With

swift swiftui


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