Forking Asynchronous Dependency Resolution


Using a single input create two separate async functions

What is Fork?

Fork allows for a single input to create two separate async functions that return potentially different outputs. Forks can also merge their two functions into one which returns a single output.

The word “fork” has been used to mean “to divide in branches, go separate ways” as early as the 14th century. In the software environment, the word evokes the fork system call, which causes a running process to split itself into two (almost) identical copies that (typically) diverge to perform different tasks. Source

Basic usage

import Fork

Basic Example

let fork = Fork(
    value: 10,
    leftOutput: { $0.isMultiple(of: 2) },
    rightOutput: { "\($0)" }
let leftOutput = try await fork.left()
let rightOutput = try await fork.right()

XCTAssertEqual(leftOutput, true)
XCTAssertEqual(rightOutput, "10")
let mergedFork: () async throws -> String = fork.merge(
    using: { bool, string in
        if bool {
            return string + string
        return string
let output = await mergedFork()

XCTAssertEqual(output, "1010")

Service Example

let service = Fork(
    value: AppConfiguration(),
    leftOutput: { configuration in
            value: AuthService(configuration),
            leftOutput: { authService in ... },
            rightOutput: { authService in ... }
    rightOutput: { configuration in

let mergedServiceFork: async throws () -> AppServices = service.merge(
    using: { authFork, configurationOutput in
        guard let services = authFork.merged(...) else { return }
        return services


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