Generate sniglets with machine learning

Give Me A Sniglet!

Give Me a Sniglet is a random word-like generator with an on-device machine learning model that validates whether the
word is likely to be valid. Generate a set of words and view various confidence score, and copy them to your clipboard
with a single tap. Customize the algorithm by changing the size of the words and syllable shapes.

This project was originally a part of Codename Abysima as an attempt to generate a language using machine learning. Now,
this project will host updates to the Give Me A Sniglet app.

More information on the original project can be found at

Build from source

Required Toolchain

  • Xcode 13 or later
  • macOS 12.0 Monterey or later

Clone the repository using git clone, and then open the Xcode project. To run for iOS, change the run target from
“My Mac” to either an iOS simulator device or “Any iOS Device”. The same applies for macOS.

Found a bug?

Please report an issue on YouTrack at


This software is licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v2. More information on your rights can be found in the

Privacy Policy

Please refer to for this app’s privacy policy.


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