iForage helps foragers to track and manage foraging spots around them using CloudKit

iForage CloudKit


  • To expand on what I’ve created here: https://github.com/LynchConnor/iForage, I initially developed the app using Firebase. This was tedious
    as it meant that the user had to be signed in in order to create anything.
  • Creating an account for an app that the user hasn’t even used yet is a tedious matter. So in this iteration, I used CloudKit, Apples first hand
    cloud database.


  • MVVM Design Structure
  • Async/Await (Network calls)
  • CloudKit
  • UIKit
  • SwiftUI

Why CloudKit

  • No Authentication. Since each iPhone is linked to an iCloud account, all a user has to do is be signed into that account to use the app.
  • Another reason why I wanted to use CloudKit was because I was scared of it. So what better way to overcome fear, then to jump straight
    into the deep end.

Was it a success?

  • I was capable of redeveloping the iForage app using CloudKit, particiularly the CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) functions which
    can be seen below.




I look forward to using CloudKit in more projects, as it means I don’t have to spend more time creating onboarding screens.


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