Import Image and Generate Assets for your iOS, Mac, and Apple Watch

SwiftUI App Icon Generator App for iOS & macOS Catalyst
Generate Asset Icons easily to your iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch
The app has several main features:
- Import Image Icon from photo library (iOS) or Document Window Panel/Drag & Drop (macOS)
- Generate assets to iPhone/iPad/Mac/Apple Watch.
- Drag and Drop the AppIcon.iconsets folder containing the icons and Contents.json to your XCAssets folder in Xcode.
- Uses UIActivityViewController to export archived zip on iOS (Airdrop, Mail, Save to Files, etc…)
- Uses Document Picket Windo to save the archived zip on macOS.
Getting Started
- Download Xcode 13 from App Store.
- Build and run the project using Xcode 13
This project is based on the YouTube tutorial series that you can watch at YouTube