iOS Application using the sportsDB API
IOS Application using the sportsDB API, The application shows the sports and its leagues news. the first screen shows all sports available by the API by clicking on it the user can see the leagues related to the sport picked, and by clicking on one of the leagues the application directs him to league`s details where the user can see the upcoming events, the latest events and teams related to the league, the user can pick the league as favorite and see all the favorites leagues in the favorite section, also in team’s section the user can pick a team and the application will direct him to teams screen which show some details related to the team.
- Launch screen.
- Search for sport.
- Leagues.
- League details.
- Teams details.
- Adding favorite leagues.
- Handling application in online mode and offline mode.
Tools & Libraries
- MVP Architecture design pattern
- Constraints.
- Coredata.
- Alamofire pod.
- kingfisher pod.
- Unit testing
Team Members
- Abdelrahman Hamza @abdelrahmanhz
- Nourallah Ahmed @NourallahAhmed
- Sport Screen
- Leagues Screen
- Leagues Details Screen
- Team Screen
- Favorite Screen
Clear all favorites:
No favoirte:
- Handling the internet connection