iOS framework that enables detecting and handling voice commands using microphone
iOS framework that enables detecting and handling voice commands using microphone. Built using Swift with minumum target iOS 14.3.
- Detects commands of single word, and sentences (“Open”, “Show first item details”).
- Can work both online and offline, with extremely fast response time (< 0.5 second).
- Ability to use different set of commands for each screen.
- Works without Siri integration. So, users don’t have to say “Hey Siri” to detect commands. It’s a 100% free style detection.
- Very simple to configure and use.
- macOS Big Sur, or later
- Xcode 12.3+
- iPhone device with iOS 14.3+
Install VoiceControlKit (using CocoaPods)
- Make sure you have CocoaPods installed.
- Update local pod repo using command pod repo update or pod repo update trunk.
- Open Terminal from your project folder, and run commad pod init.
- Add pod ‘VoiceControlKit’ inside Podfile, and run pod install.
Configure iOS Project
- Open Info.plist and add description for keys NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription.
- Use VoiceCommandListener and VoiceCommandListenerDelegate in your code (see below example) to detect and handle voice commands.
- Test on a real iPhone device (not simulator).
- Make sure Siri is enabled on iPhone device from Settings, Siri & Search, Listen for “Hey Siri”.
Code Example
import UIKit
import VoiceControlKit
class ViewController: UIViewController, VoiceCommandListenerDelegate {
// MARK: - Outlets
@IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
// MARK: - Lifecycle
override func viewDidLoad() {
let commands = [
VoiceCommand(text: "Hello"),
VoiceCommand(text: "Hi"),
VoiceCommand(text: "How are you"),
VoiceCommandListener.shared.delegate = self
VoiceCommandListener.shared.start(with: commands, success: {
}, failure: { error in
// MARK: - VoiceCommandListenerDelegate
func voiceCommandListener(_ listener: VoiceCommandListener, detected command: VoiceCommand) {
// Do whatever you want depending on detected command
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.label.text = command.text