JSON templating library for Swift


SexpyJSON is a JSON templating language that allows you to embed (something that looks a lot like) Lisp in JSON in Lisp in JSON. This implementation is in Swift.


SexpyJSON is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

Code of Conduct

This project is released with a Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree
to abide by its terms.


The top-level element of a SexpyJSON document can be any JSON value (object, array, string, number, null) or
a s-expression. You can interleave the s-expressions and JSON objects. Any JSON value can be replaced by a
s-expression, and values inside the s-expressions can be JSON types.

The s-expressions can contain side-effecting subexpressions (calls to functions passed in from outside,
name definitions), but must in the end return a value convertible to JSON.


["hello", (concat "wor" "ld")]
    "url": url-passed-from-outside,
    "body-parameters": (merge
            "dp": (concat "/" section "/" (sub article "title"))

Language Documentation

You can find documentation for the language on this project's GitHub Pages site.

Swift Library Usage

To use the Swift library, add the following to the dependency list in your Package.swift:

// It's a good idea to use an exact revision before there's any releases
.package(url: "https://github.com/juri/SexpyJSON", .revision("bb3ff1736798a7bafa9da1e33de3c5a8e5a7dc7e"))

After that, you can add "SexpyJSON" to a target's dependency list.

Swift Library Documentation

Use Xcode's "Build Documentation" to build library documentation. If you want to take a look at the public interface,
see Public.swift.

sxpj command line tool

SexpyJSON comes with a command line tool, sxpj. To build and install it, run:

$ swift build --product sxpj -c release
$ cp .build/release/sxpj /usr/local/bin

It takes as an argument a list of expressions and outputs the result of the last one:

$ sxpj '(define a "KA")' '(define b "-POW!")' '(concat a b)'

