Label color changer with Swift

Label color changer

App Description

TODO:// The app will change the color of the label from balck to oragne

App Walk-though

TODO:// Add the URL to your animated app walk-though gif in the image tag below. Make sure the gif actually renders and animates when viewing this README. (☝️ Remove this paragraph after after adding gif)

TODO:// In the User stories section below, add an x between the -[ ] like this - [x] for any user story you complete. (☝️ Remove this paragraph after after checking off user stories)

Required User Stories

  • 1. User sees custom text in a label!
  • 2. User see’s custom background color.
  • 3. User can tap a button to change the text color of the label.

Optional User Stories

  • 1. User can tap a button to change the color of the background view.
  • 2. User can tap a button to change the text string of the label – Goodbye ?.
  • 3. User can tap on the background view to reset all views to default settings.
  • 4. User can update the label text with custom text entered into the text field.
    • a. User can enter text into a text field using the keyboard.
    • b. User can tap the “Change text string” button to update the label with the text from the text field.
    • c. If the text field is empty, update label with default text string.
    • d. The keyboard is dismissed after the button has been tapped.


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