Library of Types and Property Wrappers designed to provide Thread Safety simply and quickly for any Swift project


Collection of Property Wrappers and other Types explicitly designed to provide quick, simple, and efficient Thread-Safety in your Swift projects.


Xcode Projects

Select File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and enter

Swift Package Manager Projects

You can use ThreadSafeSwift as a Package Dependency in your own Packages’ Package.swift file:

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
            url: "",
            .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")

From there, refer to ThreadSafeSwift as a “target dependency” in any of your package’s targets that need it.

targets: [
        name: "YourLibrary",
        dependencies: [

You can then do import ThreadSafeSwift in any code that requires it.


Here are some quick and easy usage examples for the features provided by ThreadSafeSwift:

ThreadSafeSemaphore – Property Wrapper

You can use the ThreadSafeSemaphore Property Wrapper to encapsulate any Value Type behind a Thread-Safe DispatchSemaphore. This is extremely easy for most types:

@ThreadSafeSemaphore var myInt: Int

Further, you can access the underlying DispatchSemaphore directly, which is useful where you need to acquire the Lock for multiple operations that must performed Atomically:

@ThreadSafeSemaphore var myInts: [Int]


func incrementEveryIntegerByOne() {
    for (index,val) in myInts.enumerated() {
        myInts[index] = val + 1

Of course, for Arrays, you really should try to minimize the number of get/set operations required, and the duration throughout which the DispatchSemaphore is locked:

@ThreadSafeSemaphore var myInts: [Int]


func incrementEveryIntegerByOne() {
    var values = myInts // This would marshal the `DispatchSemaphore` and return a copy of the Array, then release the `DispatchSemaphore`
    for (index,val) in values.enumerated() {
        myInts[index] = val + 1
    myInts = values // This would marshal the `DispatchSempahore` and replace the entire Array with our modified one, then release the `DispatchSemaphore`


ThreadSafeSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


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