Login screen - Sample screen created for job application


Login app screen

Evaluation of coding skills for job application

We would like to understand a few things about your approach to code, projects, and the way you build them.

  1. The given UI must be implemented using SwiftUI
  2. The inputs fields should not be empty
  3. Validations for email (must be a valid email)
  4. Validations for password (should have 8 characters, 1 number, 1 upper case alphabet, 1 lower case alphabet)
  5. Validations for username (should not have spaces and no upper case alphabet)
  6. The app must be responsive for all devices (iPhone SE, iPhone 13, iPad)

? Use MVVM approach

? Reuse input fields using EntryField file

? Use of Combine for handle conditions

? Use of RegEx for handle restrictions and Extensions file code for triming spaces in username field

? Instructions are hidden when the validation is passed

? Login button only activates if all conditions are complete


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