Lovely Augmented Reality Charts for iOS Built with ARKit


ARCharts is a library making it easy to create beautiful charts tailored for augmented reality.


  • Requires iOS 11 or later
  • Optimized for A9 and A10 processors (ARKit)

Sample App

The iOS Sample App included in this projects demonstrates one way of setting up and using ARCharts. Give it a try to see what can be accomplished!

Getting Started


There are three different ways of adding ARCharts to your project.


Cocoapods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C. To install ARCharts with CocoaPods, simply add the following line to your pod file:

pod 'ARCharts'


Carthage support is coming soon.


You can always install ARCharts manually by dragging the ARCharts folder into your XCode project. When you do so, make sure to check the "Copy items into destination group's folder" box.


ARCharts is a simple SCNNode subclass. That makes it very easy to use in your project!
