Make splitting bills as easy as counting rupees at a family wedding by customising tips and shares

SplitEase App

SplitEase is a simple SwiftUI-based iOS app for splitting bills and calculating the amount to be paid by each person. You can enter the total bill amount, the number of people, and choose a tip percentage to get the individual share for each person.


  • Enter the total bill amount in your local currency.
  • Select the number of people for splitting the bill.
  • Choose a tip percentage to calculate the individual share.
  • The app provides a total per person amount.

How to Use

1. Open the app.

2. Enter the total bill amount in the “Total Amount” field.

3. Select the number of people who are splitting the bill.

5. Choose the desired tip percentage.

Within split seconds the app will automatically calculate the total amount to be paid by each person and display it.


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