Make threat with screen that have differents navigation bar style

Navigation Kit used for make threat with screen that have differents navigation bar style, make change style of bar easy.


  • set Background Image for navigation bar and title color for every single screen.
  • set color for navigation bar and their title for every single screen.
  • Hide navigation bar feature for every single screen.
  • can make navigation bar color transparent for every single screen.
  • can set default navigation bar style if Viewcontroller not implement NavigationDelegate will take this default style.


  • IOS 13+
  • Swift 5+

How used (configuration):

Pod install

pod 'NavigationKit',:git => ""
  • First
public class MainNavigationController: NavigationController {

    public override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
  • Second

if you want set Navigation bar transparent and change title color .

class FirstViewController: UIViewController,NavigationDelegate {
    var navigationData:NavigationData=NavigationData.init(NavigationManager.NavigationStyle.custom(NavigationManager.BarColor.transparent,
    public override func viewDidLoad() {

if you want to set Navigation bar color and set title color for it.

 class SecondViewController: UIViewController,NavigationDelegate {
 var navigationData: NavigationData=NavigationData.init(NavigationManager.NavigationStyle.custom(NavigationManager.BarColor.customColor(, titleColor:  UIColor.white))
       public override func viewDidLoad() {

if you want to hide Navigation bar.

class ThiredViewController: UIViewController,NavigationDelegate {

   var navigationData: NavigationData=NavigationData.init(NavigationManager.NavigationStyle.hide);
       public override func viewDidLoad() {

if you want to set background image for Navigation bar and set title color for it.

class ForthViewController: UIViewController,NavigationDelegate {

   var navigationData: NavigationData=NavigationData.init(NavigationManager.NavigationStyle.custom(NavigationManager.BarColor.backgroundImage(UIImage.init(named:"navigationImage")!), titleColor: UIColor.white))
       public override func viewDidLoad() {
  • Thired

if you want to set default style 'if Viewcontroller not implement NavigationInfoDelegate'

NavigationManager.shared.defaultData = NavigationData.init(NavigationManager.NavigationStyle.custom(NavigationManager.BarColor.customColor(, titleColor:  UIColor.white))

Configure Successfully

You can refresh navigation style by

(self.navigationController as? MainNavigationController)?.refrehNavigationData();
