Minimal IORegistryEntry(...) wrapper in Swift


Minimal, basic wrapper around IORegistryEntry(…) functions from IOKit, to be used mostly in future projects ?

Obtaining Instances

The libary consists of a class, RegistryEntry, that represents an IOKit IORegistryEntry, There are a couple of ways to get a RegistryEntry, being:

Registering one from an IOKit functions that returns a io_registry_entry_t


let registryId: io_registry_entry_t = IOSomeRandomFunction()
let registry = RegistryEntry(entry: registryId)
// use `registry`

Registering one from a path


let nvramRegistry = RegistryEntry(path: "IODeviceTree:/options")
// use `nvramRegistry`

Using the given class properties

There are currently 2 class properties that represent Registry Entries:

  • root: The root entry
  • nvram: The NVRAM entry Examples:

let rootEntry = RegistryEntry.root
// use `rootEntry`

Using instances

After obtaining an instance, there are a couple of ways to use it, including:

Getting the value of a specific key

Values of registry entry properties are returned as RegistryObject (see RegistryObject.swift), to get the value of a specific key, use object(named:), or a subscript, ie:

// using object(named:)
let deviceBootArguments = RegistryEntry.nvram.object(named: "boot-args") 
// using the subscript
let deviceBootNonce = RegistryEntry.nvram[""]

Setting the value of a specific key

To set the value of a property, use the subscript to do, example:

try RegistryEntry.nvram[""] = .string("0x11111111111")

(Note that this method may throw an error)

Geting all property names and values

Use allObjects(), which returns a [String: RegistryObject]:

for (key, value) in try RegistryEntry.nvram.allObjects() {
  print(key, value)

Looking up the subentries of the entry

Use subentries()

Checking for the validity of an entry

Use the isValid property, Example:

print(RegistryEntry(path: "YourPath").isValid)


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