Mobile application for learning English with Firebase authentication

English-Mastery app
Elevate Your Language Proficiency with Ease!
Introducing Mastery English: the revolutionary SwiftUI-based mobile app that transforms language learning into a captivating adventure. Elevate your English proficiency, access an online library of captivating English books, and stay updated with BBC news. Enjoy interactive tests and expand your vocabulary effortlessly with engaging flashcards.
English Mastery phone views
Launch screen | Authorization view | Rigistration view | User profile view |
Book library view | Detailed data view | Tests view | Flashcards view |
Components of the ios application
Functionality List
- Book Library: Explore a collection of English books.
- Read and Download: Read books online and download them for offline access.
- Interactive Tests: Take tests and earn scores to track your progress.
- Idioms Flashcards: Study English idioms with flashcards.
- BBC News Updates: Stay updated with the latest news from BBC.
- User Profiles: Register and manage your profile using Firebase database.
Colors & Typography
HTML content-parsing from BBC site
func parseHTML(_ html: String) throws {
let doc = try SwiftSoup.parse(html)
let promoBlocks = try".gs-c-promo")
newsItems = try { block in
let title = try".gs-c-promo-heading").text()
let linkString = try"a").attr("href")
let imageUrlString = try"img").attr("src")
let fullArticleLinkString = try"a").attr("href")
let link = URL(string: linkString)!
let imageUrl = URL(string: imageUrlString)
let fullArticleLink = URL(string: fullArticleLinkString)!
return NewsItem(title: title, link: link, imageUrl: imageUrl, fullArticleLink: fullArticleLink)