Morfando - An application that facilitates reservations at gastronomic establishments


Morfando is an application that facilitates reservations at gastronomic establishments.

Using Morfando you will be able to make reservations at all the gastronomic establishments attached to the application.

How does the app work?

Once you have the account created, you can select the place you prefer and then make a reservation at the available times and sectors of the place.

With Morfando it is no longer necessary to call to the place, just simply make your reservation and once the reservation was confirmed by the place, you will receive a push notification to let you know that the appointment has been reserved.

Even if the place does not confirm your reservation, you will also receive a push notification on your smartphone.


Benefits of downloading the app

  • Allows you to discover new gastronomic places close to your current location.
  • You can book in an easy and fast way, avoiding to call to the place every time.
  • You can also cancel your reservations in case you cannot attend them.

Technologies implemented

  • Swift
  • SwiftUI
  • UIKit
  • MapKit
  • CocoaPods
  • MVVM + Clean Architecture
  • Firebase Auth, Database, Storage, Cloud Messaging, Analytics and Crashlytics
  • QR Code Generator
  • QR Code Scanner
  • WebView
  • ImagePicker
  • ShareContent
  • Push Notifications


If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to send us an email at

You can also find us at and Instagram (@morfitime).


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