PhotoCatalog Project Using Swift


Project Setup

  1. Clone the project from this link
  2. Open PhotoCatalog.xcodeproj then Build and Run the project.

Project Architecture

I’m Using VIP Clean Code, you can read more about it from Here

Project Component


  • Is a Set of Scene, And Every Scene is a stand alone ViewController.
  • Every Scene Has it’s own Interactor Here is you can write all the business Logic.
  • Every Scene Has it’s own Presenter Here is you can write all the view Logic.


  • It has only two main components:

KeychainService: It’s a manager used for save and get data in and into KeyChain.

DataEncryption: It’s a manager for encrypt and decrypt the data.


  • Has some functionalities not related to any logic on the application but can be used more than omce. for example here we have 3 extensions for String converting strings to float values, and UIImageView for downloading images, and UICollectionView for handling the dequeuing and cell registeration.


  • Has all the network layer for the app to use.
  • I just created a simple network layer based on use cases techniques that every web service should handle it own routers and use casee.

Portrait Screenshots

Catalog List Create a new catalog Item Item Details

Landscape Screenshots

Catalog List Create a new catalog Item Item Details

Test Cases

In Unit test case I diveded them to 4 folders.

  • View Controller To test the view controller connection with the interactors

    • CreateCatalogSceneViewControllerTests
    • CatalogListSceneViewControllerTests
  • Interactors To test the interactor connection with presenataion view

    • CatalogListSceneInteractorTest
    • CreateCatalogSceneInteractorTests
  • Resources To add some Mock data to use them in unit test cases

  • Netwok To Test all the api's imnplmented inside the app

    • PhotosCatalogListWebServiceTests
    • CreatePhotoCatalogWebServiceTests
    • DownloadingImageWebServiceTests

These covared about 65% of the code.


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