Pokert - A free and fun daily puzzle game for iOS

Pokert iOS

What is it?

Pokert is a free and fun daily puzzle game. Similar to games like Wordle, all users are given a similar set of poker rounds to play for the day. It is the goal of the user to make as much chips as they can from the given cards by either raising or folding. Users can share their results conveniently to their friends and compare scores. Users can also compete on the global leaderboard.


  1. Simple design and mechanics make it easy and fun for anyone to play!

  1. Check out how well you are playing through the statistics tab. This is also your chance to brag to your friends!

  1. Compete globally and represent your country through the leaderboards!

  1. If you want to learn how to play better, than use Practice mode and go through the tutorial!

Additional Info

This application is built on SwiftUI and Firebase.


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