Provide a lightweight replacement for a standard UINavigationController


StylableNavigationBar provide a lightweight replacement for a standard UINavigationController, so you can easily manage your navigation and status bar styles throughout your iOS app.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


iOS 11, Swift 5


  1. StylableNavigationBar is available through CocoaPods. To install
    it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'StylableNavigationBar'
  1. Replace class for your UINavigationController to StylableNavigationController. If you are using Storyboard, you can change it using the Inspector at the right side of the Xcode:

  1. If you creating navigation controller from code you can do it same way as when you create a normal UINavigationController:
let navigationController = StylableNavigationController(rootViewController: childViewController)
  1. Define preffered bar style for child view controller by making its extension:
// MARK: Bar Style
extension ViewController: NavigationBarStylable {
    var navigationBarStyle: NavigationControllerStyle? {
        return .darkTinted(tintColor: .black)
  1. Done.

There are two ways to define navigation bar style

  1. Use predefined NavigationControllerStyle like .darkTinted .lightTinted and specify a tint color:
// MARK: Define Navigation Bar Style
extension ViewController: NavigationBarStylable {
    var navigationBarStyle: NavigationControllerStyle? {
        return .lightTinted(tintColor: .lightGray)
  1. Create your own style (e.g. AppMainNavigationBarStyle) conforming to NavigationBarStyleProtocol:
// MARK: Default Navigation Bar Style
struct AppMainNavigationBarStyle: NavigationBarStyleProtocol {
    var barColor: UIColor? = UIColor(named: "defaultBarColor")
    var tintColor: UIColor = UIColor(named: "defaultTintColor") ?? UIColor()
    var statusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle = .lightContent

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    var barStyle: NavigationBarStyleProtocol = AppMainNavigationBarStyle()

// MARK: Define Navigation Bar Style
extension ViewController: NavigationBarStylable {
    var navigationBarStyle: NavigationControllerStyle? {
        return .custom(style: barStyle)


  • [x] Handle iOS 11 NavigationController's largeTitle
  • [ ] Add an ability to define image as a navigation bar's background
  • [ ] Allow to define title styles (e.g. two lines title etc.)
